
Finding Time to Meditate with Email

Finding Zen in My Inbox: How an Email Helps Me Meditate

Let’s be real: carving out “me time” in the daily chaos can feel like wrangling cats. Between work deadlines, overflowing inboxes, and the never-ending social whirl, the idea of meditation often gets relegated to the “someday” list. But here’s the thing: my mind, it’s a battlefield. Untamed thoughts gallop around like runaway horses, leaving me …

Finding Zen in My Inbox: How an Email Helps Me Meditate Read More »

From Pinball Mind to Peaceful Page: My Unexpected Path to Meditation

My brain had always been a pinball machine on overdrive. Thoughts bounced around like neon lights, urgent and flashy. One minute I’d be hyperfocused on a task, the next, a rogue thought about, say, the migratory patterns of cliff swallows, would send me spiraling down a Wikipedia rabbit hole. This was life with ADHD. Medication …

From Pinball Mind to Peaceful Page: My Unexpected Path to Meditation Read More »